Creep - Radiohead | Video y Letra

Continuando con los nuevos vídeos y letras hoy resultadosexamen les trae el siguiente vídeo y letra de Radiohead con su tema Creep, este es el nuevo tema que nos trae el cantante Radiohead , una canción que de seguro ara bailar, cantar o te arrancara algún suspiro, a ti a tus amigos y asta tu abuelita.
Esperamos que este nuevo tema de Creep de Radiohead sea de tu agrado y esperamos que lo compartas con tus amigos a través del botón de facebook.

A Continuación te dejamos el vídeo de Creep - Radiohead

Letra de Creep - Radiohead
When you were here before
couldn't look you in the eye
you're just like an angel
your skin makes me cry
you float like a feather
in a beautiful world
i wish i was special
you're so fuckin' special
but i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo.
what the hell am i doing here?
i don't belong here.
I don't care if it hurts
i want to have control
i want a perfect body
i want a perfect soul
i want you to notice
when i'm not around
you're so fuckin' special
i wish i was special
But i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo.
what the hell am i doing here?
i don't belong here.
She's running out again,
she's running out
she's run run run running out...
Whatever makes you happy
whatever you want
you're so fuckin' special
i wish i was special...
But i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo,
what the hell am i doing here?
i don't belong here.
i don't belong here.

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:-) :-S :-P :-[ :-D }:-] X* ;-D :-| :-} :*) :-( ;-) XD :brind: :kill: :lov: :flo: :fod:

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