Walking On Air - Katy Perry | Video y Letra

Continuando con los nuevos vídeos y letras hoy resultadosexamen les trae el siguiente vídeo y letra de Katy Perry con su tema Walking On Air, este es el nuevo tema que nos trae el cantante Katy Perry , una canción que de seguro ara bailar, cantar o te arrancara algún suspiro, a ti a tus amigos y asta tu abuelita.
Esperamos que este nuevo tema de Walking On Air de Katy Perry sea de tu agrado y esperamos que lo compartas con tus amigos a través del botón de facebook.

A Continuación te dejamos el vídeo de Walking On Air - Katy Perry

Letra de Walking On Air - Katy Perry
Tonight, tonight, tonight
I'm walking on air

You're givine me sweet, sweet ecstasy
Yeah, you take me to utopia
You're reading me like erotica,
Boy, you make me feel exotic, yeah

Just when I think I can't take anymore
We go deeper and harder than ever before
We go higher and higher
I feel like I'm already there

I'm walking on air (tonight) I'm walking on air
I'm walking, I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air, I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air
I'm walking, I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air, I'm walking on air

(To-to-tonight, to-to)

There's disco paradise
Even heaven is jealous of our love
Yes, we make angels cry
Raining down on earth from up above

Just when I think I can't take anymore
We go deeper and harder than ever before
We go higher and higher
I feel like I'm already there

I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air
I'm walking, I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air, ohhh
I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air
I'm walking, I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air, I'm walking on air

Tonight, tonight, tonight
I'm walking on air
Tonight, tonight, tonight
I'm walking on air

Heaven is jealous of our love
Angels are crying from up above

Tonight, I'm walking on air
I'm walking, I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air, I'm walking on air
Tonight, I'm walking on air
I'm walking, I'm walking on air (tonight)
I'm walking on air, I'm walking on air

Tonight, tonight, tonight
I'm walking on air
Tonight, tonight, tonight
I'm walking on air

I'm walking on air

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:-) :-S :-P :-[ :-D }:-] X* ;-D :-| :-} :*) :-( ;-) XD :brind: :kill: :lov: :flo: :fod:

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